Research Centre

The ultimate goal of any medical intervention is to restore a person’s quality of life as efficiently and as extensively as possible. The capacity to combine subjective and objective patient assessment scores provides researchers with ideas on how to further improve patient safety and quality of life. In other words, the research team could determine which patients had better outcomes and how these outcomes influence the strength and movement patterns of the individual. When this is determined, interventions can be developed to minimize disability and maximize ability.


The Biomechanics Research Centre at the Pan Am Clinic allows for collection and analysis of objective data relating to patient strength, movement patterns and ability to perform activities of daily living.  Equipment acquired includes a strength testing dynamometer, a motion analysis system, an anti-gravity treadmill, an ultrasound machine and a physical activity monitoring system.  Strength testing and movement analysis will be utilized to determine muscle, bone and joint deficits or abnormal movement patterns which may impact a person’s quality of life.

Once abnormal movement patterns and functional deficits have been identified, prevention and treatment approaches to improve patient outcomes can be studied and implemented to minimize disability and maximize ability.  The physical activity monitoring system will allow for objective measurement of the patient’s intensity and duration of activity across several days or even weeks.  Application of this tool will result in a greater understanding of the impact of injury and maximization of the effectiveness of treatment, and rehabilitation.