Minor Injury Clinic

Finding the right treatment should be easy.

Minor Injury Clinic

Contact Info

Phone Number: 204.927.2654
Fax Number: 204.452.3409

Mon - Fri: 8:00 am – 6:00 pm (Doors Open at 7:00 am)
Weekends: 8:00 am – 3:00 pm (Doors Open at 7:45 am)
Holidays – Closed
(with the exception of Easter Monday 7:00 am - 6:00 pm, and Remembrance Day 7:45 am - 3:00 pm)



Once the same day appointment capacity has been reached, the Minor Injury Clinic will be closed to non-urgent walk-in patients earlier than posted hours.  However, urgent patients may still be seen.

Please note that we do not book appointments, or give medical advice over the phone for new walk-in patients.

Health Links-Info Santé remains the best source of information for over the phone direction and advice in regard to care options.

24-hour Health Links-Info Santé telephone helpline at 204.788.8200 or toll-free 1.888.315.9257 for advice or visit the WRHA My Right Care website.


Minor Injury Clinic

How We Work

Our team of health professionals can provide expert assessment and treatment for patients with acute injuries such as sprains, cuts, bruises, and fractures that do not require hospitalization. The Minor Injury Clinic is set up to assess and treat most ambulatory patient bone, joint and soft tissue injuries. We do set some priorities based on the condition and the acuteness of the injury.

How we can help you:

Our main focus in the Minor Injury Clinic is acute injuries; however, we are able to provide assistance to patients presenting with longer term injuries/conditions in other areas within our clinic and are happy to work with our patients to facilitate this process and develop a treatment plan.

If your problem is chronic in nature (long-lasting or recurrent), we can help you by scheduling an appointment with one of our Sport Medicine physicians.

Learn About Triage

Priority for patients to be seen in our Minor Injury Clinic is as follows:

  • Acute injuries/conditions

    Injury/condition occurred within the last 2 weeks.

  • Subacute injuries/conditions

    Injury/condition occurred 2-6 weeks prior to presentation. They are prioritized based upon their need and may be scheduled in another area of our clinic dependent upon appointment availability.

  • Chronic injuries/conditions

    Injury/condition occurred greater than 6 weeks prior to presentation. They are often scheduled in another area of our clinic dependent upon appointment availability.

Frequently Asked Questions