Surgical Consultation Clinic

Orthopaedic Surgery

While orthopaedists may perform surgery to restore function lost as a result of injury or disease of bones, joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments, they are also involved in all aspects of health care pertaining to the musculoskeletal system. They combine medical, physical and rehabilitative approaches to complement their surgical techniques.

Plastic Surgery

The emphasis at Pan Am Clinic is on hand surgery, non-elective (medically necessary) cosmetic surgery and surgery for minor skin lesions. Some of the traumatic hand injuries from the Health Sciences Centre are referred to the Pan Am Clinic and are done on an urgent basis in the operating room. Other referrals are generated through the Minor Injury Clinic and from the Primary Care Sport Medicine Physicians. Some of the hand surgeries are done in conjunction with the Orthopaedic subsection of Hand.

Contact Information

Hours: The Orthopaedic Clinic is open Monday to Friday – 8:00 am – 4:30 pm
Office hours vary for each individual surgeon.

The Orthopaedic Surgeons see patients in clinic on the Main Floor and Second Floor of the Pan Am Clinic.

Orthopaedic Surgeons with Main Office at Pan Am Clinic location:

Dr. Laurie Barron204.927.2630204.927.2675
Dr. Heather Barske204.927.2823204.927.2675
Dr. Tod Clark204.927.2837204.927.2675
Dr. Jamie Dubberley204.925.1578204.927.2675
Dr. Devin Lemmex204.927.2681204.927.2675
Dr. Robert Longstaffe204.927.2841204.927.2675
Dr. Peter MacDonald204.925.1546204.453.9032
Dr. Jonathan Marsh204.927.2845204.927.2675
Dr. Jason Old204.927.2767204.927.2675
Dr. Greg Stranges204.927.2825204.927.2675
Dr. Jarret Woodmass204.925.1531204.927.2675
Dr. Yiyang Zhang204.927.2630204.927.2675

Plastic Surgeon with Main Office at Pan Am Clinic location:

Dr. Jennifer Giuffre204.927.2835204.927.2675

Affiliated Surgeons with Clinical Appointments at Pan Am Clinic:

Dr. Dimitrios Balageorge 204.837.7682Prota Clinic
Dr. Allan Hammond 204.787.2395 204.787.2901 Health Sciences Centre
Dr. Timothy McCarthy (Rheumatology) 204.788.5738 204.784.4116 Manitoba Clinic
Dr. David Dillon204.560.2273204.815.5755Fort Whyte Orthopedics

Frequently Asked Questions