10 Things To Do While You’re Stuck At Home!

Dana Peteleski

Kelsi McGonigal, Physiotherapist

In such a crazy, busy world we rarely have an excess of time on our hands to get things done. Albeit for not a very positive reason, a lot of people have a lot of extra time and are struggling to figure out what to do with it. There is something to be said for taking it easy, relaxing and catching up on some sleep, however, at some point it’s good for people to feel productive during this unknown amount of time! Here are 10 things you can do to keep yourself busy, feeling productive and to allow yourself to come out of this isolation period feeling like you made the most of your time!

1) Make a to do list – Gathering your thoughts can be a good place to start, make a list of things that need to get done then feel the satisfaction when you can cross them off your list!

2) Clean – Not many people actually like to clean but if you’re going to be stuck inside for a while, might as well be in a clean space! Pick a room, then pick a section of the room and get it done!

3) Get outside – Even if you’re in isolation or quarantine, there’s nothing saying you can’t get outside for a walk or even just set up a chair and take in the fresh air for a while.

4) Workout – One of the biggest things I hear as a physio is that people don’t have time to do their exercises or workout – now you have no excuses! There are tons of trainers posting simple at home workouts so find a few and give them a shot.

5) Reach out – You’re not the only one stuck at home! Reach out to a family member or a friend to chat on the phone and catch up so no one feels lonely. Set up one a day so you have something to look forward to!

6) Get organized – remember that pile of papers in the corner? Or the cluster of files on your desktop? Or all those emails you were supposed to sort through? Or all those boxes you said you’d sort through in the basement? Now’s the time! Find anything you don’t need anymore? Donate them and help out your community.

7) Learn something new – We may be isolated but the internet is accessible to most people. Get online and learn something new or take a course or listen to a podcast!

8) Watch a movie – This one is probably something people aren’t having trouble doing…but it’s on the list. Everyone loves a good new movie or a new TV binge on Netflix. See something amazing? Tell your friends!

9) Read a book – I’ll be honest, I’m not a huge fan of reading but if you find the right book, you can certainly occupy some time.

10) Do nothing – Sometimes we all just need to unplug and sit with our thoughts. This is probably one of the hardest for me because I’m always trying to be busy and productive but sometimes, sitting and being still can be good for our minds so I guess I’ll have to take my own advice and give it a shot to unwind!

Happy hand washing!
