‘Tis the season of tennis! Whether you play all year or you are a seasonal player dusting off those rackets, racket sports like tennis challenge your body in many ways. We might not be playing 5 hour matches like Rafa, but we still need to train our bodies for the demands that tennis brings. Let’s think about the kinetic chain … Read More
Injury Prevention
Injury Prevention is an important topic that is not often talked about. In fact, injury is the number one cause of death for Canadians ages 1 to 44 and cost the Canadian economy $29.4 billion a year. Most injuries are preventable and that means taking steps to think about potential opportunities for injury, and how to protect ourselves and our families … Read More
What does rest really mean?
Something happened! You slipped, tripped, lifted something a little funny or maybe just woke up sore and in pain. You went online and saw that it should get better with some rest. So what should you do? “I guess I just need to rest” you might say, but what does rest look like? Lying in bed? Sitting on the couch? … Read More
Don’t Fall Victim to Training Errors
Events like the recent Manitoba Marathon often inspire people to take up running or to set personal goals to run further or faster. Running can be a terrific way to stay in shape, maintain fitness and lose weight. It can benefit both your physical and mental health. Challenging your body to perform requires focus, discipline and planning. Before taking up … Read More
3 Ways To Know You’re On The Road To Recovery….
People come in to see a physiotherapist for a multitude of reasons, but often one of their main concerns is pain. Feeling pain creates a fear that there may be something wrong and we move into “rest and protect” mode in order to avoid worsening pain. Certainly, pain cannot be ignored and can be an important symptom to monitor and … Read More
Experiencing pain from Thumb Arthritis? This may help
Thumb arthritis is one of the most common places we first develop arthritis in the hand, also known as the carpometacarpal joint (CMC). Pain develops at the base of the thumb, close to the wrist. This pain can often be described as aching, sharp and even catching at times. Often worse with grasping and holding objects, making it difficult to … Read More
Have an Upper Limb Issue? Have you ever considered seeing a Certified Hand Therapist?
What is Hand Therapy? Hand Therapy is the art and science of rehabilitation of the upper limb, which includes the hand, wrist, elbow and shoulder gridle. Using specialized skills in assessment, planning and treatment, hand therapists provide therapeutic interventions to prevent dysfunction, restore function and/or reverse the progression of pathology of the upper limb in order to enhance your ability … Read More
Are you getting enough exercise?
Whether you are concerned about your weight, heart, lungs, muscles, bones or brain, exercise will benefit your health. Increasing physical activity levels by any amount can produce measurable benefits including reductions to obesity, cardiovascular disease, stroke, and hypertension. Exercise improves bone and joint health, reducing osteoporosis and arthritis. Exercise even acts on the level of the central nervous system, … Read More
Do Your Shoes Tell a Story?
Have you begun to experience foot and ankle pain? Sometimes pain arises without a specific event or trauma which can be quite perplexing. This discomfort could potentially be linked to your foot biomechanics and movement patterns. Consulting a skilled physiotherapist with experience in foot and ankle conditions is a great place to start if you are having foot pain that … Read More
Posture is Behavior and Not Just Position
Have you ever had your picture taken, only to notice that you were slumped forward with your chin protruding forward? Poor posture can lead to neck pain and headaches, consequently diminishing productivity during your workday. Correcting your posture is as much about behavior and awareness as it is about the perfect chair in your office. Simple interventions such as optimizing … Read More